速報APP / 音樂與音效 / Play Trinity Rock & Pop

Play Trinity Rock & Pop





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:95 Ditchling Rd, Brighton, BN1 4ST

Play Trinity Rock & Pop(圖1)-速報App

Play Trinity Rock & Pop is an exciting new way to learn and practise all the main rock and pop instruments – whether preparing for your Trinity Rock & Pop exams or simply playing for fun. Play along with professional session musicians and use the mixing desk interface to adjust pitch, tempo and the volume of each individual instrument and more. You can even record your own part into the mix of your chosen songs and play them back to review your performances.

The app puts a range of features at your fingertips, allowing you to:


• CONTROL THE MIX: isolate or adjust the volume of individual instruments

• SOLO: shortcut to isolating any one part

Play Trinity Rock & Pop(圖2)-速報App

• RESET LEVELS: restores all parts to full volume

• SECTION INDICATOR: shows which section is playing

• GO TO SONG SECTION: move play head or select from drop down menu

• LOOP: loop any song section

• SPEED: slow down for ease of learning

Play Trinity Rock & Pop(圖3)-速報App

• PITCH: change key

• COUNT IN: start perfectly

• CLICK: helps you keep perfect time

• LYRICS: scroll on screen

• EXAMINED INSTRUMENT: is highlighted

Play Trinity Rock & Pop(圖4)-速報App

• RECORD & REVIEW: record your own performance into the mix and play it back to review

Access all the songs included in Trinity’s Rock & Pop 2018 syllabus, by artists from Adele to AC/DC. The Play Trinity Rock & Pop app comes pre-loaded with one song, so you can try it out for free. Additional songs are available as in-app purchases.

Play Trinity Rock & Pop(圖5)-速報App